Associação Portuguesa de Psicogerontologia

Home, Family Employment and Home Care in the European Union

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Home, Family Employment and Home Care in the European Union

The White Paper takes into account this coordination between different levels to develop its 10 proposals:

  1. Highlight the economic weight and social stakes of home employment between citizens
  2. Encourage a constructive European social dialogue on the family employment sector
  3. Identify the specific characteristics of home employment in the definition of the regulations on social protection
  4. Fight efficiently against undeclared work in the sector of home employment
  5. Consider health and safety at work for domestic workers
  6. Include the stakes of the home employment sector in the funding of the cohesion policy
  7. Create favorable conditions for increasing the professional skills of the employees of the sector
  8. Accompany digital inclusion and the development of collaborative platforms
  9. Reinforce exchanges of good practices in Europe
  10. Recognize the status of household employers and domestic workers

Associação Portuguesa de Psicogerontologia

A Associação Portuguesa de Psicogerontologia-APP, Instituição Particular de Solidariedade Social sem fins lucrativos e de âmbito nacional, dedica-se às questões biopsicológicas e sociais inerentes ao envelhecimento e às pessoas idosas, visa a promoção da dignificação, respeito, saúde, autonomia, participação e segurança das pessoas idosas, num quadro de envelhecimento ativo e de solidariedade intergeracional, e de uma sociedade mais inclusiva para todas as idades, promove novas mentalidades e combate estereótipos negativos relativamente à idade e ao envelhecimento.